Spotlighters is a parent-run organization dedicated to fostering the performing arts at Shawnee Mission West High School. They are selling family ads along with tweets for the Xanadu program, the funds of which ultimately go back to support the organization and education of our students in theatre and choir.

These are the options available for purchase if you wish:

Family Ads*
These can contain verbiage and photos submitted by you. All ads will be black and white and run only in the Xanadu program. Pricing depends on the desired size.
Full page – $100, includes up to 8 photos
Half page – $60, includes up to 4 photos
Quarter page – $40, includes up to 2 photos
Business card – $25, includes 1 photo

Please note that the deadline for ordering a family ad will be Friday, March 28. It takes our creative team awhile to compile these, so please be considerate of the established deadline. We want to get our programs to press on time.

Order Family Ad

Tweet Ads*

Also this year, a text only option is available for $5. It must be less than 140 characters. These are due Friday, April 4

Link to order:

Pay for Ads